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waste bin tag for waste management

RFID Worm Tag for Waste Management & Recycling

RFID helps the refuse disposal and recycling industry to improve the efficiency of collection services. JYL-Tech is pleased to be supplying RFID Worm Tag to be fitted in the recycling bins.

JYL-Tech’s RFID Worm Tag transponder provides a robust and versatile solution for waste management organizations, offering durability, ease of installation, and compatibility with different systems. Its ability to resist harsh environmental conditions makes it an ideal choice for improving waste tracking and management during automatic garbage collection.

Here’s a summary of the key points:

Environmental Resistance: The RFID bin Tag transponder offers superior resistance to water, salt mist, mineral oil, and petroleum, ensuring its durability and functionality in various environmental conditions.

Shock and Temperature Tolerance: The tag has high tolerance to shock and temperature variations, making it suitable for outdoor and demanding waste management environments.

Easy Installation: Each RFID tag installs easily into standard nests found in most waste bins, whether they are made of metal or DIN 30745 plastic.

Frequency Configurations: The RFID Worm Tag is available in different frequency configurations, including 125kHz, 134.2kHz (HDX BDE, FDX-B BDE), 13.56MHz (ICODE SLIX), and 860-960MHz EPC Global Class1 Gen2 compliant formats. This variety allows compatibility with various waste management systems and implementations.

Automatic Garbage Collection: The RFID Worm Tag is specially designed for automatic garbage collection, facilitating efficient waste management processes.

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